Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A beginning to a Masters

Honestly, I am not only amazed at the mere fact that I have started a Master's Program, but that it is in the field of technology. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to be part of this class however I never thought this day would come. I have been somewhat "computer illiterate" up to this point. I have made it a personal and professional goal of mine to learn the ins and outs of technology and the programs I can bring to my classroom. I am so excited to incorporate these newly learned skills into my classroom. I understand the technological society we live in and teach or students today. This is why I want to be the teacher who can bring new ideas to keep my classroom fresh and exciting. I am hoping this class will strengthen my abilities to incorporate programs like Ning, Blogging, Chat rooms, and perhaps Pod casting to my students. My current field of study is quickly moving to the computer graphics side, which I must embrace. However there is so much to learn from the hands-on art forms of basic pencil and paper drawing. I wish to incorporate technology into classes, to embellish on thoughts, techniques, and ideas learned through studio time.
Currently I teach the beginning art fundamental courses for a high school in southeastern Wisconsin. This is my fourth year teaching with my first two years being at the elementary levels. The district goal of my school fits along with my professional goal of teaching students through a higher level of technology. After completion of this program I plan to share my knowledge with fellow staff. My thought is that if I can learn, anyone can learn! I have not had very much experience teaching with technology. My first impression of this class stirred much excitement. I was shocked at the amount of free tools offered in effective communication strategies. Recently my school has set a district wide goal of improving literacy scores in our students. I have struggled with how I will do this in the art field, without taking away from valuable studio time. I hope to use the tools present in class to communicate with students on a higher level of thinking including important vocabulary and terminology not only in art but in standards set by my district. I'm very excited for this class, and can't wait to learn!

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