Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cannot Afford to Lose

Firstly, I must say I have little trust in a computer's hard drive even though I have never had a computer crash on me. I know too many people who have had that happen, in which I try not to rely on the computer for important things. However this assignment encouraged me to make sure I back up any pictures I have that are worth saving with a method other than my hard drive. I put most of my pictures on to CDs for future reference. I'm often afraid of losing the physical picture also, so I have resorted to CD for many years now since I have began traveling more.
As for important documents, I do have several jump-drives or removable storage that I use. I find a problem with both CDs and jump drive methods however due to the fact that I often lose things. So when I have a document that is very important: tax returns, professional documents, etc, I have a bad habit of storing it solely in an email. When I save the original document I will then send it in an attached email to myself and leave sit in my inbox. Yes, I said inbox. I do not even save it to its own folder within my email account. This class inspired me to open a Gmail account which I have found, I am loving. I am thinking I will switch my entire Hotmail account over to Gmail for the use of Google Docs, calendars, and so forth. I love these features and wish that Hotmail would have offered this option so that I did not have to switch my account over. Since I am often working from home and work, I like being able to access my files from anywhere instead of having to email them to myself. I have also switched jobs a few times, and had to covert all my professionals documents over to a jump drive. What a mess!
Currently I have few files at home that I could NOT afford to lose. I will be uploading all my photos to a web-based site tonight though. Since I am not connected to the network at my work, I have not been saving files to any sort of hard drive at this time. I have saved a few things to my desktop, but this year alone I have been saving a copy in my Google Docs so that I don't lose it. I feel fairly secure that my most important documents are saved in the 'clouds' rather than my computer.


  1. Hi Hannah,

    Oh, the old email it to myself trick! I've done that too! I know my work email is archived, so anything I send to myself is at least stored in another location. I agree, web based email is much better/easier to use and access. I would switch if I couldn't login where ever I go.

    What web based photo site are you using? I have a flickr account, but I think I have too many pictures to seems a little overwhelming to me!



  2. Hi Hannah! I love that we all use or have used the old email it to myself trick!! I am doing the same thing as you Hannah, I'm backing up my pictures to one of those storage companies online, I can't afford to lose them! I also love GoogleDocs and have been using those in place of saving files to my desktop!

    Can you use one of those storage companies for pictures? I'm curious what you're using.


  3. Hello again - I'm with you I put everything on a cd. It feels safer in my hand. Again with you, if I lose those then I'm going to be sad. I have a closest everything goes into so unless there is a fire I know about where it is going to be. I guess I'm okay with that for now. I am not a big fan of the googledocs. The formatting is weird and I can't use it from my work computer so I don't feel like I can use it everywhere and therefore it's worthless to me.

    Take Care.

  4. I am glad that you are using a web based program to save your important data. I use DropBox , which gives you 2GB free. I really like it and you might want to give it a try. It's really simple to use once you set it up and the site tells you exactly what to do.
