Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Computer History of Hannah Smits

I have done more with computers in the past two weeks then I have done in my entire lifetime. Some would describe me as nearly illiterate with technology, until now. This is a huge reason as to why I enrolled in this Master's program, I want to learn more. I want to be that savvy computer "geek". As for my history, I remember back to computer class in grade school where we worked on typing skills and the simple math, reading, etc games by inserting the large floppy disks. We received points as we completed the various disks. The graphics at time were nothing to be desired, if there were any at all. This greatly improved my typing skills with a high words per minute average still to this day. We would look forward to Fridays, when two lucky students would get to go on the big Apple computer to play Oregon Trail.
As for a personal computer, there was no such thing. As the computers era was growing, many teachers were looking to have homework typed. This is when my parents splurged and bought a big, heavy word processor. Essentially it was a typewriter with a few extra "gadgets" including a computerized small screen. But it worked. It wasn't until later, my grandparents bought a new computer that my family was given the old one which admittedly was a large paperweight. It was constantly breaking down and "freezing" up, hence the reason I am afraid to experiment with a computer at all. The fear of breaking a computer is always lurking which prohibits the technological advancements of my skills.


  1. I, too, had typing class in high school - on real typewriters!! A computer lab wasn't established until after I graduated. I read Jessica's blog and she also remembers playing Oregon Trail in school. Now, as a fourth grade teacher, I use Oregon Trail (5th edition) when we study westward expansion. My students like hunting and fishing using the smartboard. I use computers for basic things - correspondence and online shopping and banking. A friend of mine took this class on campus several years ago and just seems to know so much more about computers. She definitely has a broader comfort zone with them. I was envious so I decided to take the online version in the hope I too would one day be able to speak geek.

  2. I already have my family calling me a 'computer geek' and I have just started this program. I can't image the geek language we will be speaking soon. I agree I was envious of all my colleagues who know so much about technology, that I had to join the bandwagon. I will soon be teaching my geek knowledge to my family and boyfriend. (Whether they like it or not:) )
