Monday, January 18, 2010

Course Wrap Up

This course has taught me a lot of valuable information that I will refer to in my own teaching. Starting with the readings, there are useful tools presented in requesting software, planning for technology, benefits of technology in education, and so much more.

The most useful tool presented in this class is the software evaluation procedures. This assignment taught me to effectively evaluate software. Currently, I do not have a particular software that I would like to purchase for my classes, but I am confident in the process to assess and present to my technology committee and administration if the opportunity presents itself.

I also found the technology plan for our personal education curriculum to be a positive task. My PDP writing for the state consists of a goal to incorporate more technology in my classes. I knew this, but I really wasn't sure how and what to do. I feel more confident everyday with incorporating technology to better enhance my students' learning. Overall it forced me to create a step by step plan for incorporation. I have set smaller benchmarks for myself to conquer the the larger idea of technology.

1 comment:

  1. I think that knowing how a committee will or may evaluate software and a software request allows our requests to be more savy. I will certainly try to make sure that the questions that we investigated are answered in my proposals so that the evaluators have the necessary information. I agree that there were many useful tools and resources offered.
