Friday, February 12, 2010

Course 520 Progress

I honestly have had a great time with the assignments of this course. I felt the evaluation of online-learning sources was a valuable experience. I do not do many research assignments in my art classroom, but I am looking to incorporate more projects that utilize an online software. I learned how to look for validity within the sites I researched.
Reading the Tom March quote forced me to really think about my stance on technology use in the classroom. My mind swayed back and forth numerous times, because I could see his point at times. The intense passion in his words is respectable. In a later assignment regarding Wikipedia and its value, my mind was back and fourth once again. I like the idea of Wikipedia, but it is important to remember than anyone can change its contents and that can be dangerous. But it has been years since I had to do an Annotated Bibliography. It made me remember the value of researching multiple sources to get all the facts before formulating an opinion.
With our group project, I find it is ALWAYS valuable to tryout some of the free software that is out there. I will continue to play with 280Slides in the future. And whenever I am interested in a specific topic, I will be sure to create a Google Alert to keep me up to date with all that is happening.


  1. I have found valuable elements in Course 520 which are making me re-think technology in classes. The Tom March reflection, evaluation of resources and annotated bibiliographies put online technology and use in a more academic perspective.

    Like yourself, it has been years since I last had to conduct article reviews with proper citations. I used the Citation Machine and I can only hope that site works properly!

    I had been on the fence about Wikipedia as a useful resource, but now I view it as more of a subject blog with no authority. Information can be changed at any time by anyone and that makes the material suspect from the git-go.

  2. I'm so glad that this article and some of the others seem to initiate some reexamination of beliefs and practices.

  3. Hi Hannah, I agree with you when you say you've been going back and forth with some of these things, like the Wikepida and Tom March quote. I feel the same way. It's interesting that there are so many opinions out there.

    I also like the idea of researching free programs that are out there. It's great to try them out and then keep trying them and using them in my classroom!
