Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 4 InTime site video

The InTime website was easy to navigate with a choice to search videos by content area, grade level, and many more options. I chose to search by my content area of Fine Arts. There are 10 different categories to chose from. From this search, I had 7 videos to choose from. The choice was fairly simple due to age and subject level. Many of the videos were on music, whereas I teach Art. There was a kindergarten lesson on farm animals that may have been help to me when I taught elementary. This is even too primal for my cognitively disabled students.
The video I chose is a unit on photography and Microsoft Image Composer. I do not teach the digital photography course at my high school but I would be willing to give my Art 1 class a taste of photography. In this video, students are instructed to take photos at a school event using a digital camera. The images will be put into a collage with Image Composer and uploaded to the school website. Currently at our high school, the web-design class takes all the images that are displayed on the school web page. However, I could collaborate with the teacher of web design to share a lesson with his students and mine. I could look at my students to take photos that have a strong composition, while his students could do the technical side of uploading the images.
As for the usefulness of this tool, I'd say moderate. It is always good to have a wide range of ideas for student learning. As an art teacher, I usually don't have an issue with creative lessons. However, I like the technology side of this unit. I would consider using Microsoft Image Composer with my students in the future. I may change the subject topic of student photo shoots.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 3's Progress

Mixed feelings arose in week 3. I found some information to be very helpful and pertains to my teaching. On the other hand, I don't know how often I will use the information realistically. It is definitely beneficial for students to know spreadsheets, I teach a studio art class. Yes, I could be creative in finding ways to incorporate the use of spreadsheets, yet I have so many art techniques to teach in a year that I can't spend time with spreadsheets. Don't get me wrong, I work to incorporate technology where possible with blogging project reflections, art history research, and hope to incorporate more in the future. I am all about cross-curricular education, but my studio time is precious to my classroom. Therefore, I may use a spreadsheet project for an extra credit option or perhaps a day when the students need a change of pace.
I did have fun reading chapter 5. Creative thinking is something I teach and require of my students daily. Too often, I think our students are being taught rigorous subject appropriate techniques, and creative thought is left behind. This chapter encouraged me to reflect on my own teaching to see where I encourage creative thinking the most, and where I could do more of it. As a creative person myself, it was hard for me to understand how difficult creative thinking can be for students. High school students are so self-conscious that it is hard to put yourself out there for ridicule, when they could stay safely in the comfort of the norm.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rolling through week 2

This week in class, we looked at various web browsers and online word processing.

Online word processing has become a daily tool for me since the beginning of this class, that is seems anything but new to me at this time. I admit, I solely rely on Google docs, but so far I can't complain about them. I enjoy being able to post to the web and share with others. The topic of collaboration was focus from our readings. Students struggle with collaborating effectively, and online word processing can help. I will use a source like Google Docs to have my students write written reflections at the end of a large art project. They will be able to share the document with me, and I will be able to write comments right on their reflection. I can eventually have students reflect on others' work. I did look at the other word processing systems, but think I would stick with Google. That way I can also have my students email me and so forth. Mainly, it is what I am comfortable with. But I plan to have students experience the other software available.
Looking at the various web browsers was fun. I may even switch to using Bing, more than Google. I really like the history feature of Bing. I can look up past searches easily. As an art teacher I appreciate the beautiful photographs on their home page. Basically I only use my web browser for searching the web and images. Oh and the occasional direction look up. I would enjoy a weather tab. I thought Google always had a weather tab, but I could not find it today.
I frequently use Hotmail as my personal email program, which Bing supports. So Bing is a useful tool for me. But as Google is my default browser in my toolbar, it makes for a quick search.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

See whats happening in another class...

Ahhhh!!! Is about all I can say right now. Another class is starting and I'm trying to keep my head on straight. Another class ning to learn, more assignments and now Blogger decides to change its features on me. When does it all stop??? It took me a week just to have time to sit down and figure out how to re-login into Blogspot to comment on this blog. In all honesty I am sure the switch over process for blogger is a smooth one for most users. And I'm sure it is just the stress of the new classes that added to my confusion, but I can't keep which site to be on, at what time, with what password, and now another google account. Like I need another google account!!! Breathe Hannah, breathe. I know it is all a game of competition between software programs, but I feel very overwhelmed trying to learn them all in short time periods.
This week in class we read about a school who is receiving grant money for technology, and we were to look at how they should write their proposal for spenditure. Many ideas were discussed as what was needed to be ordered in this low-income school district down to how to set up labs. There are numerous aspects to look at by the technology committee, and the opinions will vary greatly. At my current school, we are looking to hire a new IT position. The committee is currently reviewing resumes and that alone is overwhelming. So many applicants with so many different qualifications. As the art department, we are looking for someone with Mac experience since our lab is all Mac. Other departments could care less whether or not the new technician can work with our iMacs, as long as they can get into the school ASAP to start the number of problems already existing with PC labs. Getting back on track, there are so many aspects to take into consideration. With technology changing at a rapid pace, how is anyone suppose to keep up with speed? I know I'm working hard to stay above water, while enjoying every moment of success throughout the tasks set forth. Don't get me wrong, complaining is not my intention. I am just making sense of quality vs quantity as to where I need to invest most of my time in order to benefit from what is being taught and how I can best use the information to strengthen my teaching. What is set for us to take 15 minutes, is taking me more than an hour because it more than just doing the work in my case; but rather how to do it. In the case of creating a presentation for my class, that took me 2 days. I had to experiment with each presentation tool offered to find which one I wanted to use. Then I had to figure out how my chosen program (Zoho) worked after creating yet another account. Once I learned the available tools featured, I could start to think about what I wanted to incorporate in my slides. For me the slide show needed to be useful for my classroom lessonplans, which is why I created a slide show on cubism. This same situation happened when I experimented with creating a Graphic. There were so many programs to choose from. After tediously creating my graphic with Mr.Picassohead, I discovered a glitch in the software that does not allow for saving. I now had 2 choices, learn the tools of another program or start over. I started over since I want to use the program with my students. Bottom line: this work takes me hours and hours, if not days to complete. So something as easy as posting on my blog tonight, took much anguish in changing my password and finding a computer that lets me log into my wolfmail account, since it is blocked from my computer. Lets not forget about the chapters of reading that were done while working at my part-time job as a bartender.
I fear of sounding negative, but I do look forward to learning more uses for technology. I just wish I knew what the best software is and it would stay that way. There are too many providers with too many different options to stay on top of. I can only imagine what I will learn after reading other classmates' blogs of what they learned and tried that I too will want to experiment with.