Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 3's Progress

Mixed feelings arose in week 3. I found some information to be very helpful and pertains to my teaching. On the other hand, I don't know how often I will use the information realistically. It is definitely beneficial for students to know spreadsheets, I teach a studio art class. Yes, I could be creative in finding ways to incorporate the use of spreadsheets, yet I have so many art techniques to teach in a year that I can't spend time with spreadsheets. Don't get me wrong, I work to incorporate technology where possible with blogging project reflections, art history research, and hope to incorporate more in the future. I am all about cross-curricular education, but my studio time is precious to my classroom. Therefore, I may use a spreadsheet project for an extra credit option or perhaps a day when the students need a change of pace.
I did have fun reading chapter 5. Creative thinking is something I teach and require of my students daily. Too often, I think our students are being taught rigorous subject appropriate techniques, and creative thought is left behind. This chapter encouraged me to reflect on my own teaching to see where I encourage creative thinking the most, and where I could do more of it. As a creative person myself, it was hard for me to understand how difficult creative thinking can be for students. High school students are so self-conscious that it is hard to put yourself out there for ridicule, when they could stay safely in the comfort of the norm.


  1. Hannah, I share some of the mixed feelings you expressed! In order to integrate spreadsheets into the classroom, I feel like I would be using technology in a forced manner...instead of using it to enhance the content I teach.

    I too think that often creative thinking gets swept under the rug because we're too focused on getting through and done with the content. I too spent time reflecting on my teaching, looking at areas where I could more purposefully encourage creative thinking.

  2. I think it's awesome that you get to foster creative thinking in your students. I feel like art is one of the few classes in high school where students get to really express their creativity. This might be fun for you to do with your students: Art & Spreadsheets
