Friday, December 4, 2009

Rolling through week 2

This week in class, we looked at various web browsers and online word processing.

Online word processing has become a daily tool for me since the beginning of this class, that is seems anything but new to me at this time. I admit, I solely rely on Google docs, but so far I can't complain about them. I enjoy being able to post to the web and share with others. The topic of collaboration was focus from our readings. Students struggle with collaborating effectively, and online word processing can help. I will use a source like Google Docs to have my students write written reflections at the end of a large art project. They will be able to share the document with me, and I will be able to write comments right on their reflection. I can eventually have students reflect on others' work. I did look at the other word processing systems, but think I would stick with Google. That way I can also have my students email me and so forth. Mainly, it is what I am comfortable with. But I plan to have students experience the other software available.
Looking at the various web browsers was fun. I may even switch to using Bing, more than Google. I really like the history feature of Bing. I can look up past searches easily. As an art teacher I appreciate the beautiful photographs on their home page. Basically I only use my web browser for searching the web and images. Oh and the occasional direction look up. I would enjoy a weather tab. I thought Google always had a weather tab, but I could not find it today.
I frequently use Hotmail as my personal email program, which Bing supports. So Bing is a useful tool for me. But as Google is my default browser in my toolbar, it makes for a quick search.


  1. Thanks for mentioning the fact that as teachers we can comment back on students work in online documents. I focused on the student collaboration aspect, but truly it is a great way to communicate with students about their work, without the nervousness for the student of someone seeing the dreaded red pen on the paper that is handed back. Also a great way to encourage or compliment the student who doesn't want their peers to know they are a good student.

  2. I also find the online word processing fascinating as I can directly see my students work on a task assignment. I like your point about having students e-mail questions to me and that I can review their work in progress. Rather than answer a question, I can direct them search the web and provide a clue for more effective search results.

    By the way, if you haven't already noticed I am always searching the Web for graphics or photos that I can incorporate into my MEIT blogs, MEIT assignments or with my student presentations. The Search Engine assignment has made a world of difference for finding specific images without having to dig through piles of unwanted ones.

  3. Hannah,

    I really agree about the collaboration aspect that Google Docs can bring. I have a guinea pig student who has been using Google Docs for me and he really enjoys it. It is great to offer suggestions without the other students picking on the student if they are not as far as them. I agree on Bing and will give it more of look. As far as the weather thing, I would suggest getting a homepage that has it. I have that and it works well!

  4. Hannah, I didn't research bing as much as other search engines, because I thought that was a more well known engine (glad to see others had not used it before), but I liked your comment about how it supports hotmail as I use that for my personal email as well. I am going to look into it a little more and might start using it as well. I do like the pictures in the background!

  5. I haven't tried it yet but commenting on a student's shared document would offer a terrific mode of feedback. Once they were familiar with the process, peer reflecting would offer a sharing of perspectives we don;t normally have time for in the classroom.

    I, too, am now comfortable with Google Docs. I signed up for Zoho Writer this weekend and intend to give it a fair try. I like how it is compatible with Microsoft products.

  6. Hannah,
    I appreciate your comments about using online word processing as a way to comment on student's work. This is really a green solution. Can you imagine how many trees this would save? If I ever teach fourth or fifth grade again, I will definately take full advantage of the possibilities. Right now, first grade is too early to do more than introduce the usage of online word processing. They are still developing their print skills.
    As far as your ideas on browsing, I hadn't thought about the connection to an email provider. For no particular reason, I have a Yahoo account, but use Google search. Other than not having to go to another page to search, I am interested to know what the advantages are to using a browser that is partnered with your email account.
