Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 4 InTime site video

The InTime website was easy to navigate with a choice to search videos by content area, grade level, and many more options. I chose to search by my content area of Fine Arts. There are 10 different categories to chose from. From this search, I had 7 videos to choose from. The choice was fairly simple due to age and subject level. Many of the videos were on music, whereas I teach Art. There was a kindergarten lesson on farm animals that may have been help to me when I taught elementary. This is even too primal for my cognitively disabled students.
The video I chose is a unit on photography and Microsoft Image Composer. I do not teach the digital photography course at my high school but I would be willing to give my Art 1 class a taste of photography. In this video, students are instructed to take photos at a school event using a digital camera. The images will be put into a collage with Image Composer and uploaded to the school website. Currently at our high school, the web-design class takes all the images that are displayed on the school web page. However, I could collaborate with the teacher of web design to share a lesson with his students and mine. I could look at my students to take photos that have a strong composition, while his students could do the technical side of uploading the images.
As for the usefulness of this tool, I'd say moderate. It is always good to have a wide range of ideas for student learning. As an art teacher, I usually don't have an issue with creative lessons. However, I like the technology side of this unit. I would consider using Microsoft Image Composer with my students in the future. I may change the subject topic of student photo shoots.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah, I agree that it's always wise to keep the website around and at least know where to go to get some more ideas for lessons. I also agree that there weren't too many lessons on there to choose from. Maybe we could look at other lessons and get parts of those to use in our classes instead of using the whole lesson.
